FCO - Flexible Cutoffs for Model Fit Evaluation in Covariance-Based
Structural Models
A toolbox to derive flexible cutoffs for fit indices in
'Covariance-based Structural Equation Modeling' based on the
paper by 'Niemand & Mai (2018)'
<doi:10.1007/s11747-018-0602-9>. Flexible cutoffs are an
alternative to fixed cutoffs - rules-of-thumb - regarding an
appropriate cutoff for fit indices such as 'CFI' or 'SRMR'. It
has been demonstrated that these flexible cutoffs perform
better than fixed cutoffs in grey areas where misspecification
is not easy to detect. The package provides an alternative to
the tool at <https://flexiblecutoffs.org> as it allows to
tailor flexible cutoffs to a given dataset and model, which is
so far not available in the tool. The package simulates fit
indices based on a given dataset and model and then estimates
the flexible cutoffs. Some useful functions, e.g., to determine
the 'GoF-' or 'BoF-nature' of a fit index, are provided. So
far, additional options for a relative use (is a model better
than another?) are provided in an exploratory manner.